Monday, August 24, 2009

The First Two Days....Thoughts from Cherie Shropshire

Well Priscilla sure does have a lot to say:) It is good stuff! I have studied the life of David many times and each time I learn more. I had a couple of new questions this time though. I will throw them out there and see if anyone has any thoughts on them.
  1. Why did Saul let David fight Goliath? The stakes were HUGE (pun intended:) If he lost then the Israelites were suppose to be slaves to the Philistines. Did neither side intend to keep that promise anyway?
  2. Did David's brothers tell Saul that David had been anointed to be King? They were all there when Samuel doused him with the oil. Was that the reason why Saul let him fight? He knew he was God's anointed? That is possible but then why did Saul let David come to his court later to play music? Better to have your competition closer? I truly don't know when Saul became aware of David's anointing but it is an interesting thought.
One thing is for sure though and that is that David was beyond patient and faithful for the promises God had given him. So often we think we know what God has for us and then we become obsessed with "helping" it come to pass. I could sure learn from David to be still and know that He is God-even if it means waiting 22 years!

The last thing I wanted to say was about practicing God-consciousness. It is truly an amazing thought. My brain, like most peoples, tends to segregate my day. My God time was in the morning. The struggles through out my day are mine to deal with. I know that this is wrong but I constantly struggle with bringing God into every thought and every decision. But I am learning. I am also learning how to take opportunities to give thanks in EVERYTHING through that God-consciousness.

That argument with my husband or friend? Yep, that too. Is God not capable of showing me my weaknesses through this? I think He is. I am reminded of a story about my dog. The dog was given to escaping so I would put her in the yard, stand outside, and wait for her to escape so I could plug the hole she escaped through. I often think of God like this. My sin nature reveals to me my weaknesses and, if I let Him, God will heal the holes. Accidents, tragedies, celebrations, victories- they all deserve my obedient response of gratefulness. I know that God is in control.And on the same train of thought is celebrating God through the menial tasks of the day. I remember when I was on a base in Africa and I was on kitchen duty. I had about 250 pieces of silverware to hand wash after having done all the dishes. I was ready to start inventing a dish washer when I felt the Spirit leading me to try something new. With each piece of silverware I prayed for someone or something. At the end I had such joy, peace, and yes, God-consciousness.

So that is what I have to share on this:) I can't wait to hear your thoughts!


The TNLN Blog said...

Cherie, this is so encouraging and thought provoking. I love the part about the silverware... They’re so many tedious tasks that we must fulfill sometime in life, but learning in that moment to pray for someone, something, or even worship is priceless.
I love Heb 12:2, Let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy set before him endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God. When we fix our eyes on Jesus in those tedious, monotonous tasks, we can Produce Joy!

Linnea Applegate said...

This has been a thought provoking study thus far. As much as I would like to deny it, there are times that I make choices and decisions without first seeking God. Why do I do that? Maybe because I know what He will say about the decision I am about to make. Maybe I am afraid He won't be in agreement with me. Although these are small choices and small decisions that I am speaking of, even these small choices and small decisions can be life changing, in a negative way, if not in the will of God. And, sometimes it's the small choices and small decisions that we make without God that are incredibly important to God. If He can't trust us with the small things, He certainly can't trust us with bigger things in life. I choose today to make it a 'practical priority' to begin seeking God in all aspects of my life, big or small, keeping Him in the center of my life and the life of my family. Just as David knew the power of having the ark in the center of the city to stay in the presence of God, we need God in the center of our lives to stay in the presence and power of Him. I'm also thanking God in advance for His forgiveness when I fall short! : )

Carol said...

I, too, have found this to be an awesome thought provoking study. I am also reading "Discover the Keys to Staying Full of God" by Andrew Womack. He also puts emphasis on putting God first in everything we do. We need to glorify God, give thanks for all He's done, and remember all that He has done for us. To quote Andrew, "When we feel we aren't completely full of God, its because we have stopped receiving. He is always transmitting, we just need to fix our receiver" How awesome to know no matter where my thoughts are, God will always keep sending His love to me and all I have to do is receive it. I usually always go to God for big things, but I will make more of an effort to "consult" Him on even the most minute things. To Him, nothing is too big or too small. One of my most favorite scriptures is Philippians 4:6 "Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God" It is something I see every night when I go to bed, and each morning when I get up...It hangs on the wall above my bed..with big bold letters above it I WILL NOT WORRY. How much more calm and peaceful I have been lately knowing He will take care of me.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for sharing Cherie!

Reading this, combined with the homework has reminded me that my life isn't to be lived divided. Often times, I can "divide" my life into secular problems i.e. trouble with friends, household chores, disorganization, and what I deem "spritual problems." I would osmetime deal with my "secular problems" in my own way, while leaving the bigger "spritual problems" to God. However our lives are not to be lived that way.
Im reminded that Jesus is throughout, and in every aspect of us and our day. I am to seek him, worship him, and ask him for guidance in all I do. (Proverbs 3:5)

Seeing David praise God and give Him glory for absolutely EVERY DETAIL of himself, has given me that friendly reminder :)