Friday, August 28, 2009

Precious Promises

Wow!  Thursday night was a hit!  With over 40 women in attendance and riveting teaching, I think it would suffice to say it again, "Thursday night was a hit!" 

It is true that many of us, as much as we don't want to admit it, tend to go about our day to day routine without giving God much thought.  Sure, we do our best to keep it real by going to church on Sunday and Wednesday, even a mid-week Bible study or prayer group, but in a regular week very few of us live with a God-consiousness.  I found this very difficult to do once I became a stay-at-home mom.  It was much easier for me when I was out in the "real world" to keep God at the forefront of my every decision.  Throughout the day I would stop to think what others might think if I said this or that, or if I make that decision will it reflect what I really believe, etc.  But since I've been home with children I find it much more difficult to acknowledge God in my daily tasks.  It wasn't until I had the priviledge of hearing Priscilla speak at an engagement I attended in Jacksonville that I understood this concept of living with a God-conciousness. 

There is not one single aspect of our every day lives that God is not involved in when we are believers. But something in our teaching this week gives us a clear direction about how to become more aware of Him in our daily lives - DO WE KNOW HIS WORD?  It is almost impossible to know if we are living a Godly life if we do not know the One who gave it to us.  John 1 says that the Word IS God.  When we get into His Word, we are actually getting right into His alive and active presence.  It is impossible to obey the Lord if you don't know what you are supposed to do in any given situation.  How we treat people, act in uncomfortable situations, derive our work ethic, make simple decisions - all of these things are a direct reflection of how well we know the One we call the God of our lives.  As Priscilla pointed out in our teaching, "....the most important thing that we can have is a fresh, ongoing, intimate relationship with God."  The key words there are fresh and ongoing.  We have to continually develop our relationship with Him. 

Ladies, I would like to challenge you this week to make getting into the Word of God higher on your priority list.  If you have a sincere desire to see supernatural results in your life - in your relationships with others, in your health, finances, any area of your life - get to know what the Word says about you and the situations you face.  Our access to God is directly from the Scriptures, right there in black and white for anyone to grab hold of!  We CAN expect results when we press in to Him and the promises He has for us.  If you are truly born again, and have accepted Jesus Christ as your personal Savior, you will not be able to escape the gentle tugging on your heart from Him as He desires to get you to recognize how close He is to you.   He has specific, divine direction for each one of us! 

What are some areas in your life that you need or have needed to know the truth of God's Word?  What could you do to find that truth?   This weekend let's share some of our experiences of how God's promises from the Bible changed or could change a specific area of our lives. 

Be blessed and have an awesome weekend!  We look forward to hearing from you!


Mindi Blessed woman of God said...

I am so sad :( that I am not getting to come to this study. The Thursday night womens study is so precious to me and so are the friendships that I have made through it. Thank you for creating this blog so I can still be a part of it in some way. Enjoy the study and I am sure that you will be blessed! Love you all

SarahW said...

Mindi- I too, am thankful for this blog and thankful that it gives us all a way to connect and share our thoughts during the week and with those that can't make it.

I loved taking this challenge of getting in the Word more, and am finding its fruit throughout my day-to-day living. I asked God this week to give me reminders of time slots that I can fill with His Word. I found myself less and less in front of the tv, and computer screen, and more and more time in His presence. I can see a difference in my attitude and I'm loving it :)

With love- Sarah