Greetings My Dear Friend!!! Thursday Night Oct 8th is the beginning of our new series, Loving Well by Beth Moore ( featuring four heart-to-heart messages where Beth describes different types of people — some easy to love, and some not so easy to love. Great for anytime you need a four-session Bible study.
We are starting right at 6:30pm. Please arrive early in order to receive your books ($8) get snacks, and mingle. This will help things not to get congested and will help us serve you better. We are really looking forward to this new series! We thank you ahead of time for your cooperation and participation. Expect great things!!!!
Ladies this is our last study of the year, and I want to encourage you to come and be filled with and In-depth study on LOVE before the Holidays(BLACK FRIDAY)!
Thurs Nites are phenomenal, with the some of the most precious women on earth! You will encounter Dynamic Worship, and In-depth RELEVANT Teaching. Girls, its time we invest where it counts! You owe it to yourself to go Deeper Still in God's Word, and walk away with genuine friendships!
Love Triumphs,