Week one of Jonah: Navigating a Life Interrupted by Priscilla Shirer, there are many thoughts that we are left with and a few challenges to propel us forward. In day one, she points out that there is a great difference between an interruption and a Divine Intervention. When we view something as unimportant, or at the very least, less important than what we are doing, it will be an interruption. When we see the importance of the task and the person, it is a Divine Intervention. Too often we either ignore them or outright run from them. But why run? When we are uncomfortable, we run. When His plans do not suit us, we run. When we want something different, we run. When we are afraid, we run. But we are running from God’s awesome presence and power. This changes the perspective doesn’t it? We are no longer running from something we don’t want to do, but we are running from the power of God. We do it because as humans, we tend to forget that God can do anything, and we do not need to look at things from our standpoint. When God is the one in charge, it will get done!!!
Priscilla Shirer Quotes
* Jonah was the only prophet who ever ran from God.
* It is an esteemed opportunity to participate in Kingdom purposes.
* Make sure your life writes a story worth reading.
* Your story starts with God.
This Week’s Scripture Verses-
Everything God does is right— the trademark on all his works is love. Psalm 145:17 Message
For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand so that we would walk in them. Ephesians 2:10
But I will sacrifice to You With the voice of thanksgiving, That which I have vowed I will pay; Salvation is from the LORD.” Jonah 2:9
Blessed are those who hear the word of God and observe it. Luke 11:28
Pray that the study of Jonah will profoundly affect your life.
I look forward to navigating the next 6 weeks with you all:)